Big Sur. A Lady Adventure.


Every other week Josh works offshore. So every other weekend I'm left without my best adventure buddy, but sometimes when all the stars align I can get in a lady adventure! These are rare adventures… As life goes on and us girls become ladies, I find unimportant stuff like cleaning, bills, work, boat maintenance, social activities, laundry, grocery shopping and other obligatory functions take away our precious weekend free time. So this particular weekend, two lady friends and I made it happen!

We packed up Lindsey's Westafalia and headed north for a weekend in Big Sur. The three and a half hour drive to our campsite flew by with lots of laughs, good conversations and way too many sour patch kids. The last hour of our drive we were completely socked in with fog, unable to even see beyond the cliffs or around the corner. As we made our way up the mountain it got denser and denser, until we came upon our campsite, emerging from the cloud forest and saw a sea of fog below us and the heavens full of light above us. It was magical! I can hardly remember a time I've ever seen more stars. We couldn't have asked for a better way to start our trip!

The next dew days were filled with chasing waterfalls, fire dancing, trespassing, exploring and hopping fences. Already looking forward to our next LADY ADVENTURE!